I am not the smartest. I am not the most creative. I am not the weirdest. I am not the best — at programming, music, writing, or whatever I will do.

I am smart. I am creative. I am weird. I am good — at programming, music, writing, or whatever I will do.

I am simply better than the average, worse than the best. That weird section right there. The most vicious section.

So vicious that the person in it either ends up a crazy maniac with a heroin addiction and a box as a shelter or a famous genius with tons of money and capabilities.

The people in this section are the students that excelled at every class without going to lessons. Had a lot of friends. Were never shy or introverted. Not too extroverted either.

Everyone planned their future for them, thinking they will be the next Einstein or Mozart. They made them believe that they could.

And let me tell you this, those that believed the lie went on to be the homeless maniac I was telling you about. Fuck-ups. Disappointments.

The ones who become geniuses realize that those are lies. They know they won't be the best, the smartest, the most creative. They know they're not as special as the average person thinks they are.

Instead of focusing on one thing, they dabble between different fields and interests acknowledging that it's unlikely to do any groundbreaking work in any of those fields. The best they can do is "really-good" work.

I am talking about the likes of: Childish Gambino, Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Wolfgang, Grimes, etc...

They are legends because they're not afraid to try different shit and shift personnas. That's the word that I have been looking for from the first sentence in this essay: Personas.

People either remember you as someone with one persona that excelled at one thing or as someone with multiple personas. And, the reason why most remembered legends have one persona is because the other kind is so rare to find.

And the reason for that is: the system isn't built for people who want to have multiple personas.

What I am trying to get to here is: It's okay not to be the best.

What's not okay is to not put all your effort and time into something you love just because you know that you won't be the best.

explore. mutate. don't be boxed. e/chaos .